Use of mixed methods
Race, K. E. H. (2005, October). Developing
indicators to assess program outcomes. Part of a
panel entitled Challenges in defining program outcomes
presented at the Joint Conference of the American
Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation
Society, Toronto, Ontario.
Race, K. E. H. (November, 2002). Capturing
hard-to-capture data. Presented at the American
Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Bourexis, P. S., Kaser, J. S., Green, M., Raizen, S. E.
& Race, K. E. H. (2002, November). Evaluation
as quality assurance: A demonstration of the profiling
program quality process applied to teacher professional
development programs. A demonstration panel
presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual
Conference, Washington, DC.
Race, K. E. H., Ho, E. M., & Bower, L. (2002, April).
in-classroom support and coaching activities of a
professional development program directed toward
school-wide change: An integral part of an
organization's evaluation efforts.Paper
presented at the American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED465761)
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